Welcome to my blog. I am a student at Karoro School in Greymouth, New Zealand.
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Monday, 9 December 2019
Friday, 6 December 2019
Thursday, 5 December 2019
Friday, 22 November 2019
WALT develop our own poem in response
to a model(packing my bags…..James
to a model(packing my bags…..James
WALT an increasingly descriptive vocabulary
to add interest to our writing
to add interest to our writing
WALT have some fun and be creative with
ideas and imagination.
ideas and imagination.
I am going for a trip to the bottom of the
ocean I will need to take……
ocean I will need to take……
Scuba diving suit.
One silky smooth Scuba diving suit
That has metal that lets out heat
Soft spongy stuffing
A nice smooth salty grey on the outside
To keep me warm
One big black submarine
On the inside It’s warm cosy ,soft ,spongy
and squishy
and squishy
On the outside it is a soft warm buttercup
With black tinted windows
To take me to the bottom of the ocean.
One large air tank
That is mat black on the outside
And soft silver gray on the inside
That puffs out fresh air
To help me breath underwater when
I explore the ocean.
I explore the ocean.
A small underwater camera
Thats soft grey
With a transparent 50 inch screen
To see out of when I am taking pictures
For taking pictures under the ocean
And of course my friend James
And of course my friend James
So I don't get lonely
Friday, 15 November 2019
Rugby League
Rugby league is a great sport to take up. It is
popular around the world.
Firstly, rugby league is a great sport because you get fit,Strong and you can get great fast thinking. It makes you fit from the trainings. Trainings get you better at tackling, reaction times, passing and kicking. Rugby league also develops fast thinking because you have to think quickly about where to pass the ball and you have to think quickly what you are going to do.
Secondly, more and more people should play rugby league because it is very fun and good for you. As technology grows more people are becoming gamers and are playing less and less rugby league and that’s not good because people are getting lazy. Rugby league is good for you because people have fun playing it and it makes you feel happy. It is also good for you because you are getting outside and getting outside and being active.
Finally, it is a good way to make friends.You meet different people. You can play for different teams. When you get older and make it in a team like Kiwis or other teams you will travel the world but thats if you want to keep on playing. Rugby league is a great way to make friends.
In conclusion, Rugby League is a great sport because it gets you fit,strong and makes you think fast. Also it is fun and good for you and it is a good way to make friends.
As you can see, this is why you should play Rugby League.
Toki Pounamu Film Festival
Toki Pounamu Film Festival
Today Karoro school went to the Toki Pounamu Film Festival at the Regent
Theatre to watch about 5 or 4 school films that they made. I enjoyed the 1st one
because it was a crime/robbery film about a girl who robbed a bank and I liked
it because it was funny to watch. I think that the slow mode was really well
done. It was different to the other films because the other ones were about
our Greymouth. I think the people that made it did really well. I hope we go
next year to the Toki Pounamu Film Festival.
Theatre to watch about 5 or 4 school films that they made. I enjoyed the 1st one
because it was a crime/robbery film about a girl who robbed a bank and I liked
it because it was funny to watch. I think that the slow mode was really well
done. It was different to the other films because the other ones were about
our Greymouth. I think the people that made it did really well. I hope we go
next year to the Toki Pounamu Film Festival.
Tuesday, 12 November 2019
Kiwi collage
We have been learning to make a collage on Google Drive. We had to use the example,mask and arrange tools to get our collage to come together.We had to make a NZ kiwi bird and put it into its habitat. It was lots of fun and I am really pleased with my bird. Have you had a go at this?
Thursday, 26 September 2019
My NZ mini beast report
We have been learning about mini beast.We have been creating information report on a mini beast of are choice. The mini beast we chose had to be in NZ.Here is my writing. I worked with Joe.
What they are
Katydid are shaped like a leaf. They have wings so they can fly. Their wings
fold along their abdomen. When they are young their wings are 10mm and
when they are an adult it is 40mm.Their bodies are 15m long. Females are
equipped with a long straight ovipositor for laying eggs in soil just like a weta.
Did you know that their bite can be strong. Their common names are katydid,
kiki pounamu and they are also known as NZ bush cricket. There are two
main types in NZ of Katydid. The two types are the leaf shaped katydid and
the longhorn grasshopper or meadow katydid. Katydid bodies look like leaves.
They are a lite green. When they are young they have a bright pink on them.
The meadow katydid often have broun wings. They are a type of grasshopper.
They have got big back legs so they can jump and their antennae can be 2-3
times the length of their bodies to help them navigate in the dark. They have
very good camouflage in the bush. Like weta their ears are on their front legs.
fold along their abdomen. When they are young their wings are 10mm and
when they are an adult it is 40mm.Their bodies are 15m long. Females are
equipped with a long straight ovipositor for laying eggs in soil just like a weta.
Did you know that their bite can be strong. Their common names are katydid,
kiki pounamu and they are also known as NZ bush cricket. There are two
main types in NZ of Katydid. The two types are the leaf shaped katydid and
the longhorn grasshopper or meadow katydid. Katydid bodies look like leaves.
They are a lite green. When they are young they have a bright pink on them.
The meadow katydid often have broun wings. They are a type of grasshopper.
They have got big back legs so they can jump and their antennae can be 2-3
times the length of their bodies to help them navigate in the dark. They have
very good camouflage in the bush. Like weta their ears are on their front legs.
Katydid live throughout NZ. They are common in NZ.
Katydid mostly eat leaves and grass but they have been known to eat fruit and
a few tiny insects.
a few tiny insects.
Social behavior
Katydids make a chirping sound. The’re nocturnal so they come out at night.
Katydid get eaten by cats, possums, rats and stoats.They are not threatened,
which means they are not endangered.
which means they are not endangered.
When you are in the garden look out for the katydid. They are a cool insect.
Make sure you look after them.
Make sure you look after them.
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Thursday, 12 September 2019
Weta Report
This is a piece of writing that we did for our mini beast topic .
Click to see our success criteria
Click to see our success criteria
Weta Report
Weta are insects, they are native to NZ and they live in specific places in the North and South Island.They can live in hot and cold weather. Did you know some of the tusk Weta live on the ground. At night time they leave their resting place to move around.
Weta like to eat fruit,leaves,flowers. Weta normally eat lichens.The ground and tusk Weta are carnivores and they eat worms and snails the other Weta are herbivores or omnivores. Weta only eat at night because it could be safer to hunt when danger can’t see them.The tree and giant Wētā eat mostly lichens, leaves, flowers, seed-heads, and fruit.
Weta lay eggs at night and normally their eggs stay in the ground for a year. They mate in the spring and summer. Over all they lay 300 eggs in a lifetime. The males have to protect their females by fighting for her.
Tree Wētā are social creatures. A gallery(group) can have a number of young Wētā and females but only one male. The males defend their gallery from other males. When threatened, Wētā wave their spiky hind legs to frighten and scratch invaders and predators. They also hiss and bite. Female tree Wētā can look threatening too. They have an ovipositor for laying eggs, but it looks like a very large stinger!
Tree Wetas hide during the day in holes in hollow tree branches many native birds like kiwi, robin and tomtit eat Wetas also hedgehogs, stoats, possums, mice and rats like Weta. To protect themselves when attacked they raise their spiny back legs above their bodies to look large and prickly. Wētā are threatened by introduced predators and habitat loss. We can help Weta by moving them to save places to live. We can help protect all Wētā species by trapping rats in our backyards
Summery: Tree wetas hide during the day in holes in hollow tree branches and come out at night to eat. Many native birds and mammals eat wetas. To protect themselves when attacked they raise their spiny back legs above their bodies to look large and prickly and hiss and bite. A gallery can have a number of young wētā and females but only one male. Over all they lay 300 eggs in a lifetime. The tree and giant wētā eat mostly lichens, leaves, flowers, seed-heads, and fruit. At night time they leave their resting place to move around.
I learnt that weta have been around since the dinosaurs.
By James
Thursday, 29 August 2019
Mini beast Reading work
At school we have been learning about Mini beasts.Her is some of my Reading work i have been doing with Kadyden.
Monday, 12 August 2019
Monday, 29 July 2019
Friday, 26 July 2019
Writing-Abandones Places
Our learning goals are to:
-write a description, using powerful words and phrases
-include some Te Reo Māori
-carefully check that our sentences make sense and have correct punctuation and spelling.
One day me and Team Zombs went looking for survivors after the big war. We got dropped off by Joe who is one of the Team Zombs members. Me and Cooper went looking for survivors and we also got loaded with guns. Cooper’s gun was a Flamethrower and I got a MINIGUN.
We were getting dropped off at an abandoned city. It was very scary. Lots of windows were smashed. The buildings were ruined and metal was sticking out. The wild peacock’s had takin over the city. It smelt like wild peacock roaming around.
Once we got dropped off we started looking for survivors then I heard something and I was like, “Did you hear that Cooper?” And he was like, “No.” Then BANG, I got hit in the leg and luckily it was not that bad. I was still capable to walk. I could hear peacocks screaming.
We then realised the war was still going on. We went for a closer look and we saw someone so we hid in a tree until the fighting had ended. Then we went looking for survivors. We did not find any so we went back to the helicopter and Joe was there with his P90. “There were no survivors left,” said Cooper. So we went home feeling guilty.
Tuesday, 2 July 2019
Making a Paper Plane
Hi, today I researched how to make a paper plane. I have made a presentation of the instructions. When you have had a go, let me know how your plane flew, and maybe send me a photo. Smart Blogging.
Wednesday, 26 June 2019
My scratch project- Te Reo Maori
Task: Create a simple animation using scratch that teachers people some of our phrases of the week-Korero o te wiki
-use scratch to code for computational thinking
-learn how to create basic code on scratch
-Say basic phrases in Te Reo Maori
-use scratch to code for computational thinking
-learn how to create basic code on scratch
-Say basic phrases in Te Reo Maori
For my project I made a game. Here are the rules of the game.
-use the arrow keys to move the character Razer
-use m to use his pickaxe
Character Gingy
- use the keys W S A and D to move Gingy
- E is to move his pickaxe
The aim of the game is to destroy the other character and then you move to level two. On level two you have to get the boss and then you win.
P.S: This game is double player.
-use the arrow keys to move the character Razer
-use m to use his pickaxe
Character Gingy
- use the keys W S A and D to move Gingy
- E is to move his pickaxe
The aim of the game is to destroy the other character and then you move to level two. On level two you have to get the boss and then you win.
P.S: This game is double player.
Wednesday, 12 June 2019
Tuesday, 21 May 2019
My Marae Recount

At theRriver
We went down to the river with Jerry & Tangi (they are staff from the marae) to look for pounamu. The first thing Jerry said was don't look for green. A couple of minutes later lots of kids came running up to Jerry and asked him, “Is this greenstone?”, and he said, “No No No No.” After that not many people found some so we went back.
The walk at Lake Mahinapua
On the walk we got these sheets with photos of trees, plants, and leaves on them and you had to find what was on the sheet. The reason we went was because one of the wars happened there. The name of the lake is called Lake Mahinapua. There was 2 carvings in the marae that were about that war. They were
a Tohunga was a Maori sorcerer & Hikatutae who was a warrior.
In the afternoon Jerry talked to us about carvings in the wharenui. He told us about Hikatutae and the sorcerer. Hikatutae was a Ngai Tahu warrior and he came to Lake Mahinapua with a war party to try and take over the and get greenstone. The sorcerer from the West Coast sensed the war party and made a storm and tipped their waka over. Some of them then drowned and some of them went to shore and got killed. Hikatutae wanted to save his chiefs bodies so he had to chop their heads off so he could take their heads back to the East Coast in Christchurch. Some of the carvings had earrings and greenstone necklaces on them. On one of the carvings in their tummy was the Lake Mahinapua shape. It was cool sleeping in the marae because all the carvings were next to you. They were so cool to look at too.
Personal comment
It was my first time on the marae.
I loved the food, it was so good. I was a bit nervous to do my mihi in front of everyone. The smores were so yummy. I’m really glad I went because I never knew how amazing the marae looked.
Tuesday, 30 April 2019
Inspirational Quote art
Monday, 8 April 2019
If I had wings
For the past few weeks we have been doing poetry. This weeks task was a poem about If I Had Wings... First we had to answer some questions and then we had to colour in the piece of paper with the poem. Last of all we had to write our own If I Had Wings poem. We had to use sticky ( interesting ) language, use the five senses and use interesting verbs and nouns. Here is my poem
Monday, 25 March 2019
School poem 1
Get NZ Writing - poetry Over the past few weeks we have been part of the "Get NZ Writing" poetry project. This project aimed to get 96,000 poems written across NZ! We were sent a tin with objects in it and we used one of these objects to write poems. Here are my poems.
Tuesday, 19 March 2019
We have been learning about being welcomed onto a marae. Here is my writing work about powhiri
Monday, 18 March 2019
Kawa of Care
We have been learning to follow the kawa of care which tells us how to look after our devices and be cyber smart. We had to chose three rules to write about. here is my work.
Thursday, 7 March 2019
Monday, 4 March 2019
Karoro School values
For the beginning of the year we have been learning about our School values.Here is my work showing our School values and some ways we can demonstrate these.
Wednesday, 27 February 2019
Swim Safe Achievement Goals
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